What is cupping therapy?
Cupping is an adjunct to traditional manual therapy methods that can help improve blood flow, facilitate healing, break up scar tissue, reduce inflammation, improve pain thresholds, and release tension in the fascia that covers our muscles. Cupping is used in Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Mobile Physical Therapy, Concierge Physical Therapy andIn-Home Physical Therapy Sandwich MA.
Who can benefit from cupping? Those with…
● Back or neck pain
● Shoulder pain
● Hip pain
● Headaches and migraines
● Women with C section scars
● Women with bladder dysfunction after their C section
● Scar tissue build up
● Sensation deficits after surgery
What to expect during cupping?
Your provider will lubricate the skin with oil or cream to ensure your skin is protected. Then, they will evaluate and determine problem areas or referred areas that they feel may benefit from cupping therapy. The cups are placed on your skin and will create a suction feeling, pulling your skin gently away from your body and away from underlying fascia. Depending on your provider’s evaluation, they may choose to leave the cups statically in one spot for a period of time – or they may choose to glide the cups around your skin. They may choose to apply just one cup – or they may choose to apply a few. There are many different techniques of cupping, but your provider will be sure to pick the best one for you.
What to expect after cupping?
Your skin may turn red or lightly bruise in a circular shape after cupping – but don’t worry, this is only temporary, created by the suction from the cups. You may feel sore, like you’ve just had a deep tissue massage following your cupping treatment. Be sure to drink plenty of water following your cupping therapy and communicate your results with your provider!
Where can I have Cupping Therapy done?
Cupping results in no down time, no pain and almost immediate relief of pain caused by fascial restrictions. It can be done in the office, in your home, in your assisted living facility or in our office in Sandwich MA. Cupping equipment is easy to clean and super portable and causes a big impact in a short amount of time, perfect for busy workng professionals who don't have time to be "off" for recovery.